The Radical Atlas of Ferguson, USA by Patty Heyda
This book is one of the best examples of contemporary, scholarly geography I’ve seen.
Published by Belt Publishing in 2024, Radical Atlas is a cartographic biography of a city on the ten year anniversary of the murder of Michael Brown and the riots that made this suburb of St Louis infamous. The maps explore flooding, food security, rent, incarceration, high school graduation rates, hazardous waste and historical red lining, all leading up to a modern reality filled with real, feeling human beings. For a book filled with beautiful infographics and stunning statistics, it is remarkably thoughtful and personal. It’s my go-to title for explaining the power of modern GIS to the lay public.
The Radical Atlas of Ferguson, USA by Patty Heyda
This book is one of the best examples of contemporary, scholarly geography I’ve seen.
Published by Belt Publishing in 2024, Radical Atlas is a cartographic biography of a city on the ten year anniversary of the murder of Michael Brown and the riots that made this suburb of St Louis infamous. The maps explore flooding, food security, rent, incarceration, high school graduation rates, hazardous waste and historical red lining, all leading up to a modern reality filled with real, feeling human beings. For a book filled with beautiful infographics and stunning statistics, it is remarkably thoughtful and personal. It’s my go-to title for explaining the power of modern GIS to the lay public.