Locals Only
an Atlas of Paradise from the other side
I’m not assembling a travel guide or a book to show you where the secret beach is. There won’t be any hidden gems or local knowledge that you can use to get the most out of your twenty four hours in town. This is a project to assemble maps from around the world made from the perspective of the locals; to see what it’s like to live on the other side of someone else’s vacation.
Have you ever lived in a Tourism Destination?
Are you a local or a townie?
Submit a map!
Send in your submissions showing your point of view as the resident (or former resident) of a place that has a substantial tourism industry. Send in a high quality scan or image file for your original work accompanied by <1,000 word explanation.
Some ideas that might help you make your map:
Did you always live in this place?
How did you end up here?
Has this place changed much over the time you lived there?
Did you want to leave? Where did you ever wish you could move to?
Where are the places that felt welcoming to you?
Are there places you’ve never been or places you feel excluded from?
Does it make sense to you that tourists visit you or do you just not get it?
If you lived somewhere else, do you think you’d visit and be a tourist yourself?
What are the things that would have to happen to make this place your ideal home?
Do you feel more or less valued by your community than tourists or temporary residents?
What does this place feel like in the off season?
Do you interact with visitors much? What do you think of each other?
What’s in it for me?
If I get enough submissions I’ll be assembling a self published book. All submissions are credited and contributors will receive a copy of the book when it’s completed.